Digital solutions

Production of your books in a dynamic version adapted to SpLD audiences, with existing FROG functionalities or new options created for you.

You provide your source files and print PDF. We oversee the FROG enrichment, integration of your audio recordings, and deliver an ePub 3 for the final digital proof.

We can also start directly from a digital book (ePub 2, ePub 3, PDF) and FROGerize it.

In collaboration with you, we’ll study the reading compatibility of your distribution channels. If you are not yet distributing an eBook, we can also provide you with our FROG Reader App and its simplified purchase path. With one click, your new readers can download your books.

In addition, we can automate the accessibility of your books with the implementation of a project portal (in Saas mode) or the integration of an API.

The different stages of production


Depending on your problem and your constraints, we work together to study and define the different stages of your project.


Depending on the desired book format, paper or digital, the project will integrate all or part of these stages:

  • Construction of the reading template,
  • Text enrichment according to the reading tools chosen,
  • Text encoding,
  • Audio recording integration and synchronization with text.
  • Development of specific functions,
  • Book editing, integration of interactivities, technical tests,
  • User and expert speech therapists testing.

To make a book accessible, develop a charter or design a new layout, we carry out an accessibility diagnosis for a book or collection.


En numérique, nous vous accompagnons dans les démarches d’intégration du livre dans votre circuit de diffusion : compatibilité de lecture avec le(s) reader(s), vérification de l’interopérabilité selon les environnements.

Pas de solution ? Nous vous guidons dans la recherche et le choix d’un circuit approprié.

For digital projects, we support you in the process of integrating the book into your distribution channel: reading compatibility with the reader(s), verification of interoperability depending on the environment.

Don’t have a solution? We guide you to find and choose a suitable channel.


We give you accessibility recommendations and we provide support while you contemplate accessibility and editorial constraints.


In order to automate the accessibility of your books, we can consider setting up a project portal (in SaaS mode) or integrating an API.

Do you want to develop a new digital project?

We adapt your books in a dynamic version adapted to SpLD audiences, composed of existing FROG functionalities or new options created for you.

Contact us using the form below and we will be happy to assist you.

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